A few months back a Yukon photographer, Pete Mather (http://www.petermather.com/), asked me to to join him and a number of Yukon artists for a two week canoe trip down the Wind River (http://www.nahanni.com/content/windriverintro/). Pete proposed that I create a documentary about their adventure in the context of the Protect The Peel movement (http://www.protectpeel.ca/). The idea is that the artists will create works inspired by the trip which they will later sell and use to garner attention and help raise funds for the movement. In recent years the Peel Watershed has become a hot political topic that has environmentalists & First Nations against mining & exploration companies who want access to the currently protected area.
So, of course I agreed to do the project and on July 15th I'm off on a two week canoe trip in the heart of the Yukon! Here's a poster I put together using some of Pete's photos. Look for an IdieGoGo campaign to come soon....