First Fish Camp

In recent years, Chinook salmon populations in the Yukon River have been critically low and as a result the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in (TH) of Dawson City have stopped harvesting salmon for the first time. Although they no longer fish for salmon, an important traditional food source, they continue to share the values and traditions of the salmon harvest through the "First Fish Youth Culture Camp".

Last summer I was invited to attend First Fish by the Yukon Salmon Sub-Committee and
Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, in order to create a short video showcasing the camp, and to highlight their adaptation (ie. they now smoke Chum instead of salmon) in teaching future generations. It was a real honour to join the community Youth, Elders and Co-ordinators for a few days at their traditional Moosehide site and to witness the passing of knowledge from one generation to another. I hope to go back there soon!

Here are a few screen grabs from the (soon to be released) video. Enjoy!

UPDATE: you can view the video here: