Well, I'm happy to report that I survived the Peel Trip and other than a few bug bites (probably in the hundreds) and losing a few pounds, I did manage to keep all my fingers and toes. To sum up the trip in one word, I would say it was "epic"! The journey started with a roller coaster ride of a flight into McClusky Lake from Mayo and although roller coasters usually end up with me changing my pants, the pilot's cool-as-a-cucumber demeanour was somewhat reassuring. I was happy to have finally landed and have the adventure begin! I won't bore you with too many details but we managed to see a wide variety of wildlife (from wolves, to moose, caribou, sheep, and bears) while being surrounded by some of the world's most beautiful scenery, and flipping the canoe only once.
Now the editing begins...
Here are only a few unedited screen grabs (there were too many to choose from) for the upcoming doc.
Now the editing begins...
Here are only a few unedited screen grabs (there were too many to choose from) for the upcoming doc.