Yukon Blue Bins Recycling

Whitehorse, for some reason or another, still doesn't have a curb-side recycling program. Thankfully this is all about to change with the launch of Yukon Blue Bins Recycling. People will no longer have to witness their sheds, closets, and bath tubs filled to the brim with old milk jugs and beer cans. Neighbourhoods will not only look better, but even smell better! Not to mention less waste will make it's way to the landfill. Here are a few screen grabs from a video and photo session we had yesterday to help launch the program. 

Yukon Hospital Foundation

I was approached a few weeks back by The Yukon Hospital Foundation to make a video for their MRI campaign. We decided to showcase a few of the many people that have benefited from the Foundation's work. It's a very inspiring and emotional project, with many stories of hope and inspiration. Here are a few screen grabs from the shoot.

*UPDATE: The video has helped in raising the last $500,000 for their MRI campaign and they have now reached their goal of $2 Million. Looks like the Yukon will soon have a MRI machine after all!

You can view the video here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=315870941860084

All Of The Lights

Finally I got some Northern Lights footage. I was up in the Yukon this time last year, but was stymied on several occasions. My attempts would usually end with me sitting in the cold for a few hours while beavers and coyotes roamed around and tried their best to spook me. In any case, last night the Lights were out and they actually stuck around long enough for me to set up a few time lapses. For some reason Kanye West's "All of The Lights" was stuck in my head the whole time.

Haines Spot

Here's a few shots taken a few days ago in Haines, AK - one of the most beautiful places on earth. I've started doing some tests with AE 3D Camera tracking and Rotoscoping. You'll notice the bear goes in front of the text and at one point seems to even read it. 

The Queen of Rockabilly

Wanda Jackson is a legend. She is known for being one of the first female rockabily singers and therefore a pioneer of the genre in the 50s and 60s. Accolades like that are not acquired over night and while the Britneys and Spice Girls of the world come and go, Wanda watches on and keeps honing her craft. In recent years she has released albums with both Jack White and Justin Townes Earle to much acclaim and was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2009. She was in Vancouver the other night to play with her band the Dusty 45s and I got a last minute call from Regret Me Not Productions to document the show as part of a larger project. Having known very little about the genre and nothing at all about the artists, I'm now a big fan! Oh, did I mention that Wanda is 75 years old!?

Here are a few screen grabs from the night.
