UBC Chemistry

I was commissioned by UBC to produce a series of 10 videos for their 3rd year Chemistry students. This was a pretty complicated project as my knowledge of basic chemistry was pretty lacking…ok, I knew pretty much nothing about chemistry (the last time I even looked at a bunsen burner was in grade 10). Ions, photomultiplier tubes, cations, electrons, etc. became my new language. Luckily I had a Grad Student and a Professor close at hand to act as translators and help with the process. 


Matthew Lien Music Video

I've been working with my pal Matthew Lien on a music video for his new single Headwaters and started using windows in Premiere to do some basic colour grading. The video uses a lot of footage I shot on our canoe trip down the Wind River a few summers ago (see older blog post) so it's brought back a lot of fond memories…just in time for summer!
Here are some before and after shots:

***Update: You can check out the video here: https://youtu.be/dnjM8KbKsKc









Air North Launches Elevated Entertainmnet

Air North got in touch the other week for a last minute shoot to help launch their new in-flight technology "Elevated Entertainment". This groundbreaking technology is going to revolutionize in-flight entertainment around the world! Check out the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQA555Y5liA

*Thanks to Tyler Kuhn (Editor) & Chris Griffith (Writer/Director)

air north elevated entertainment
air north
air north
air north

2014 Culinary Festival

This year the Yukon Culinary Festival amped it up a bit and invited chefs from Vancouver, Toronto, Yellowknife and Skagway. This is the second year I've shot a video for them and one thing that I've come to realize is that chefs have a crazy ability to work in high pressure environments on pretty much zero sleep and still be relatively chipper in front of the guests. It felt like we were in a rock band travelling around the Territory, but instead of guitars and amps we had knives and fire.

Check out the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS8j0Q80wuA

Behind The Scenes with Dr. Oakley

A few months back I got a call from Variable, a New York film collective that does some pretty amazing commercial work. They were on their way to the Yukon to shoot a promo for the National Geographic Wild's Dr. Oakley: Yukon Vet show, and were looking for someone to shoot a Behind The Scenes video of their shenanigans. Needless to say, I was stoked to have the opportunity. They flew in a team of 12 or so people from all over the states and BC: the camera team was from LA, the Producers/Director from NY, a Drone team from Nashville, and even a trained bald eagle from Victoria (I guess they didn't trust the local eagles after that whole Eagle Cam/Dog's breakfast fiasco). It was also good to see one or two familiar Yukon faces on set too. Although the weather was uncooperative, from herding buffalo with a drone to catching eagles and chasing horses, it was definitely one of the wildest shoots I've been on...I guess that's to be expected when working for Nat. Geo. Wild!

Check out the final video here:  https://vimeo.com/107859446
*Disclaimer: I didn't shoot the drone or super slow mo shots.